زيادة حجم الشفاه من خلال تحفيز الدورة الدموية.ملمع بجودة عالية وألوان مشبعة.ترطيب الشفاه بفضل احتوائه على حمض الهيالورونيك.يترك الشفاه ناعمة ورطبة لفترة طويلة.تصميم نحيف وخفيف الوزن، مناسب للاستخدام والتنقل.طريقة الاستخدام:يمكن استخدامه بمفرده أو فوق أحمر الشفاه المفضل لديكِ...
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 163 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 162 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 161 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 160 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 159 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 158 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 157 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 155 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..
Christine Nail Polish in Shade 154 features an innovative formula that stays put without bubbles or streaks, providing your nails with a pure, bright color that lasts long. It boasts high shine and quick-drying properties, along with a wide brush that offers full coverage in one stroke. Enriched wit..